How to Buy Land to Build a House in Hampton Roads

So, you have decided to buy some land to build a house, and it may sound simple; however, you will find many decisions are ahead of you now. There is a great deal about the process to learn; however, many happy homeowners before you have taken the journey from finding and purchasing their land to building their homes. While it may seem a bit overwhelming to take matters into your own hands as you begin the process, you too can successfully buy land to build a house in Hampton Roads with the following things in mind. 

Set a Realistic Budget

The budget is your starting point when you are ready to buy land to build a house in Hampton Roads. However, much more is involved than just the cost of the land and the home’s construction. For example, if you are buying raw land, you will need to perform due diligence to ensure you can build and add utilities and that there is a right of way for access. In addition, down payments for land tend to be larger, so if you plan to finance, you should be aware that the typical amount is between twenty to fifty percent of the value; there are no improvements on the land that add value for a lender. Interest is higher for land loans, and there is no depreciation or tax write-off for undeveloped land. You will also need to budget for the costs to bring the land up to buildable condition. An experienced professional like the professional investors at EAS Inest Group LLC can help you make sure you cover all your bases before you get started.


Now that you’re ready to buy land to build a house in Hampton Roads, there is no shortage of online listings and other sources to seek out the land you will build on. First, however, it is worth working with a local real estate professional, like the professional investors at EAS Inest Group LLC. They are well aware of environmental and zoning laws and upcoming Hampton Roads plans or anything else that could affect your property in the future. Once you have zeroed in on a piece of property, land surveyors can also assist you in assuring the land is suited to your specifications. Finally, reach out to trusted local builders and consider a real estate attorney to cover all of your bases. The pros at EAS Inest Group LLC have the connections in [market_citiy] to help you find the most highly regarded professionals in the industry.


With your bids for development and your costs calculated, you can now approach your lender so that you can buy land to build a house in Hampton Roads. The more serious your preparations are for the loan application, the more likely you are to gain the lender’s approval for your project.


It is now time to make your offer to buy land to build a house in Hampton Roads. When purchasing a home, you can negotiate contingencies into the contract to ensure that the land is suitable for building. Additionally, you can negotiate the price and then close on the deal. 

Why not reach out to the professional investors at EAS Inest Group LLC, with the experience to help make buying land to build a house in Hampton Roads an easy process. From selecting the perfect piece of land for your new home to closing and everything in between, you can rely on the experts at EAS Inest Group LLC to help make buying land and building your home smooth and easy. If you are ready to buy land, why not ask about our current inventory of the best property available in Hampton Roads. Contact EAS Inest Group LLC today at 757-908-3990 to learn more!

Emanuel Stafilidis

Emanuel opened Capable Home Buyers in 2019 just after moving to the USA from Australia with his wife Angela. The goal of Capable Home Buyers was to grow a small residential real estate portfolio to assist with retirement. Things are progressing very well and the business has grown larger then expected and is now a full time operation. Emanuel works full time from his Chesapeake home office and spends a lot of his time visiting people who want to sell their house.

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